Over the weekend we watched The Darjeeling Limited on dvd. I was drawn to the idea of a train ride through India. On that level, the film did not disappoint; the train, the scenery, everything in the film of Indian origin was pleasing to my senses. The colors, the desert, and the feeling of being on an Indian train: all good. What sucked was everything else. Three dysfunctional brothers, all annoying. Surprisingly, Owen Wilson was the least annoying; he came closest to suggesting the existence of a moral compass. The segment with Anjelica Huston was also OK. But the worst part, the thing that ruined everything for me was the music. Apart from some harmless sitar playing, I will never forgive this film its use of old Rolling Stones and the abominably pretentious faux-Paris song, whatever the hell that was, and the extremely annoying character that kept playing it on his Bose/i-pod.